Midge Walkers

Walk No.  145

Midge Hall- Farrington Moss

Who would have thought, when we separated after our last walk on 15-03-2020, that 79 weeks would elapse before we would meet again? Nevertheless, an enthusiastic group of 22 adults, 2 Children and Molly the dog met at Midge Hall Chapel ready for the off at 2 p.m.

We were pleased to welcome 3 new adults to the group and 1 child. This brought our inventory of participants since starting the group to 125.

The forecast was to say the least a bit “iffy”, but at the time, albeit a little grey, the temperature was around 17 degrees. This walk was promoted by our youngest member Jack, and we relied on him to lead us along paths some of us had never previously trod, but assuredly flat as a fluke.

Turning right out of the gates along Longmeanygate and passing the new road junction soon brought us to Jane Lane, where we turned left. Continuing along its twisting route and passing Whitegate Farm and Gate House Farm, the latter being the home of Margaret Ward’s son, John, we soon crossed the rail line. Following the path, passing fields of varied crops, all benefitting from the rich black soil, some of the group indulged themselves on blackberries from the hedgerows, thus boosting their vitamin C. A pair of alpacas were seen resting in a field, looking highly superior, but completely unperturbed by our presence. Further advancement brought us out onto Long Moss Lane, where we turned right.

Walking to a fork in the road, we branched right into Startley Nook and forward to a bungalow on the left called Long View, where we branched right on a track between the fields. At the end of this we turned right again until re-crossing the railway and facing the corner of a recycling centre for garden waste. Not only was this a visible blot, but our nostrils quickly picked up the smell of rotting compost. Taking the route down the left-hand side of this, passing a field of pumpkins to our left, soon brought us to the round-about junction of Flensburg Way and the Leyland Centurion Tank. This is where we had our coffee stop and as it was Sarah’s birthday, she had been generous enough to provide cake, which she shared with all.

Resuming our labours along the farm track at the side of the road and turning left to cross the main road brought us into Bannister Lane, where considerable building development was taking place. At the end, we turned right on to Croston Road, taking the first left into Mill Lane. At the bottom of this, we took a path to the right between two houses emerging into Morley Croft, walking through the estate to re-emerge onto Leyland Lane, where we turned left and continued to the cross road.

Turning right into Longmeanygate, we advanced to the roundabout at the opposite end and the Berry’s feature “Horse and Cart”. Crossing Schleswig Way, we entered the wooded area to the rear of the industrial estate and skirted the outer perimeter to emerge on to Paradise Lane. Turning right, quickly brought us into Titan Way, then Reiver Road and Longmeanygate back to our starting point some 3 hours after departure.

Slightly in excess of the projection, the distance covered ended at approx. 6.5 miles, but we had avoided any adverse weather and renewed the pleasure of the outdoor activities that we all combine to jointly participate in. Our thanks to Jack for sharing this walk with us, and we look forward to seeing you once again on our next outing on the 3rd October.

Ray Lamb

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